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Bryson Milan / DLux

January 11, 2014

It’s January aka Saleuary. The two best months to shop sales are January and August as stores transition from Winter to Spring and Summer to Fall, respectively. So it comes as no surprise that stores such as Bryson Milan/DLux are having their ‘Winter Sale’ where all items in store and online are 30% off today. This includes 30% off of merchandise on sale as well.


Never heard of Bryson Milan/DLux? Neither had I until I ran into a Tall guy, about 6’9″, at Soceity Nightclub here in Chicago during the Posh Life Day Party.

posh day party

Now, when I run into another tall person it’s like Christmas, New Year, and a warm sunny beachside vacation all bottled up into one. Why so much darn glee? Simple. The shared ‘Tall Experience.’ The unspoken but understood nuances of being tall. The stares, the wonder, the limited shopping options, small spaces, and the questions. Oh the questions. Go ahead and raise your hand if you’ve heard any of these. Do/did you play basketball, volleyball, any sport? Are you a model? How tall are you? How’s the air up there? Can you get that for me (something on a top shelf)? Or the infamous statement ‘mannnnn your tall.’ Oh really, we tall people never noticed. The questions and the assumptions go on for days.

Then there’s shopping, driving, low hung ceilings, gloves that don’t fit, golf clubs that aren’t long enough, etc. Oh and there’s nothing like shopping with VCP’s (vertically challenged people or person depending on usage) or driving in a car with them, especially if the car is the size of a condensed tuna can called a sports car or mini cooper.
tall man small car

Don’t get me started on pick up lines. My favorite pick up line from a VCP is “I like em Tall.” My response is always the same, “I like em Tall too, we have something in common’, followed by a giggle as I slowwwwly walk away.

tall lady short man
So yes, I was excited to run into and introduce myself to a few tall people at the day party including the tallest of them all, some 6’9″ guy who was easy on the eyes. When I mentioned J. Enovy’s Tall District and it’s purpose to serve as a fashion and lifestyle resource for Tall women, men and teens he told me about his store. He said he owned a clothing store that catered to the taller consumer, gave me a business card and suggsted I stop by to check out the store and merchandise. Little did I know he was Bobbi Simmons, entrepreneur and former NBA player.

Bobbi Simmons
Big thanks to google because unlike VCP’s I don’t assume every tall person is an athlete. Heck I know a few tall men in my profession (finance, asset management) and other professions (law enforcement, lawyers, truck drivers/bus drivers, professors, etc). One of my favorite Mr. Tall’s in the Finance business is Malik whom works for an asset management firm in Chicago. He’s brilliant, young, witty, educated, successful, easy on the eyes and he’s 6’8 or 6’9 as well. Tallista’s let’s hope he finds a Tallista to marry and not a VCP. lol. I digress. Back to the topic at hand.

A week later I went to Bryson Milan/Dlux to see if the clothing did in fact accommodate the tall consumer. I was pleasantly surprised. The store is split into two sections which is noticeable from the outside as the entire front of the store is predominantly made out of glass. When you enter the store Bryson Milan for men is to your left and DLux for women is located on your right. The check out counter is located in the center of the store.

bryson milan chicago store image

What you can look forward to from Bryson Milan:
– pants/jeans = 34 to 36″ inseam, various designers and able to order 38″
– long sleeves, shirts, sweaters, and jackets
– shoe sizes vary but typically carry shoes that go up to size 16 or 18 depending on the designer

Extras from Bryson Milan:
– Bow ties
– Sunglasses

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What you can look forward to from DLux:
– pants and leggings up to 34″ inseam (limited)
– limited supply of tall shirts (depends on designer)
– Midi Skirt in stock is fabulous for you, Tallistas
– Shoes up to size 12 (depends on designer and what’s in stock)

Extras from DLux:
– Belts
– Jewelry
– Handbags

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Brenda aka B was extremely helpful during my visit and she’s a Tallista standing at 5’11” who proudly wears her heels. She walked me through the store and shared that Bobbi Simmons goal was to cater to athlete’s such as himself and the taller consumer. Tallista’s and Mr. Tall’s, Bryson Milan & DLux are J. Enovy approved. You can now add another location that caters to your Tall fashion needs.

Store Details:
Bryson Milan/DLux
1409 N. Ashland Ave
Chicago, IL

– If you do not live in Chicago that is totally ok. This store and many others I post about allow you to shop online.

– Call ahead! Especially Tallista’s. While there were items that fit us it is not guaranteed you’ll find something as it is seasonal. Although, Brenda is a Tallista and orders most of the clothes so I’m sure you  will be able to find something.

Ok. Football time. Trying to support my Daddy’s team but I need them to score a touchdown already (New Orleans Saints).

Tall Blessings,
J. Enovy
Instagram = Jenovystalldistrict
Twitter = JEsTallDistrict
Facebook = J. Enovy’s Tall District /



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J. Enovy

J. Enovy, the founder of TALL District, is a senior investment professional, teacher, lifestyle model, and a blogger for the tall community. Join her as she shares valuable information for the tall consumer and those who shop on their behalf.

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