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The Mommy Affect: Brie & Janna

May 6, 2016

Allow me to introduce #Tallistas Brie (6’3”) and her mother Janna (5’9”) who is a survivor, a fighter, a witty woman with a great sense of humor, and hero to her daughter.  They are from Arkansas and Texas, respectively.

The Mommy Affect Description:
Each day of this week I will share one to two stories leading up to Mother’s Day. The purpose for TALL District’s Mommy Affect Series is to honor moms who make a difference in our tall lives. It also provides an opportunity to shed light on the ‘tall’ impact that mothers and mother figures of all heights (short, tall, average) have on their tall daughters ‘height experience’ and confidence.

A few weeks ago after her breast cacner diagnoses-1

Brie & Janna’s Story
:             Mother:
 Brie                     Janna
6’3”                      5’9”

Mommy Affect: Daughter’s Perspective (Brie)

Moms Impact
My mother. My hero. Only 5’9”, yet 6’9” in my eyes. At 6’3”, she never made me feel awkward. She made me feel beautiful, even when I truly was awkward at times as most pre-teens are. If I slouched, she would tell me to stand tall. She told me that one day I would love my long lanky arms that automatically turn every long sleeve shirt into a three quarter length sleeve.  She promised me that one day I would be thankful that I have my height to set me apart and that one day I would find someone who loved me for my height, not despite it. She was right about all of it of course.

Activities to Create Normalcy
Yes, I played every sporty under the sun. She knew nothing and cared nothing about sports but was at every practice and game. Through my athletic accomplishments, my relationship with my father has always been highlighted and celebrated because of the abilities he gave me and helped me cultivate. I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to tell the world about the impact my mother had on me as a tall woman because she is the source of this amazing confidence I am proud to have.  She is the reason I will wear 3 inch heels if I feel like but also feel beautiful and womanly in a pair of tennis shoes.

“I knew she was going to be tall when she came out of the birth canal and kept on coming” – Jenna Madden

Takes a village
Female athletes were always my heroes.  Gabby Reece, Lisa Leslie, Venus Williams, Sheryl Swoopes, Amy Acuff, just to name a very few.  Their beauty and strength gave me something to work toward.

Interaction with Tallistas
I do my best to reach out to other young girls who are eye to eye with me metaphorically and physically.  I want them to know that it gets easier and to embrace their bodies and stature.  My mother taught me how to appreciate those things about myself and I try to pass that on.

Recommendations from one Tallista to another
The best advice my mother ever gave me, “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.”

“Female athletes were always my heroes. Their beauty and strength gave me something to work toward.”

Message to Mom
Life was tough at times as a Tallista, but you made it doable.  You are the source of my strength.  Thank you. I love you.

Me at a giant 2 years of age with mom in fashion show-1

Mommy Affect: Mother’s Perspective (Janna) 

Height Awareness
I knew she was going to be tall when she came out of the birth canal and kept on comin’.

Raising a Tallista
Raising a tall daughter was difficult at times. It was hard to convince people that she was only three and not nine when playing on the playground at McDonalds but it was also great.  It brought a lot of special things into our lives.

Overcoming Tall Chalenges
I just told her to embrace it, enjoy it and stand up tall.

Tall Resources
Get a good tailor.

Advice From One Mother to Another
It won’t be easy growing up but people don’t be mean to be mean.  They can just get uncomfortable and men can be intimidated.  Only date the ones who aren’t.

Thank you so much, Brie and many thanks to your mom for setting aside some of her valuable time to share her witty and funny responses with us. Please let her know that my prayers are with her as she continues to battle through chemo. I can tell she’s a fighter.


I hope you enjoyed reading Brie and Janna’s story. I would love to hear your stories as well. Leave a comment in the section below and tell us what you think about the post and/or share your ‘Mommy Affect’ story.

TALL Blessings,
J. Enovy

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J. Enovy

J. Enovy, the founder of TALL District, is a senior investment professional, teacher, lifestyle model, and a blogger for the tall community. Join her as she shares valuable information for the tall consumer and those who shop on their behalf.

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