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TD Mommy Affect: Kennedy & Deneen

May 2, 2016

The Mother’s Day count down officially begins on TALL District.

Each day this week I will share one to two stories leading up to Mother’s Day. The purpose for TALL District’s Mommy Affect Series is to honor moms who make a difference in our tall lives. It also provides an opportunity to shed light on the ‘tall’ impact that mothers of all heights (short, tall, average) have on their tall daughters ‘height experience’ and confidence.

First up, meet mom and daughter duo 5’10” Deneen and 6’2″ Kennedy, respectively, from Atlanta, Georgia.

DBKG Prom 2016

Kennedy & Deneen’s Story
Daughter:                                  Mother:
Kennedy G.                               Deneen B.
6’2 / 17                                     5’10 / 50

Mommy Affect: Daughter’s Perspective (Kennedy)

Moms Impact
My mom was always so supportive when I couldn’t wear jeans unless they were rolled up to not look like high waters and when I was upset that I couldn’t shop in regular stores with my friends, but she always made me feel like I belonged no matter what the situation was.

Activities to Create Normalcy
My mom had my older sister and I enroll into our church drama program and whenever I was there I never felt like I had to hunch down, or slouch because our teacher would always make me feel confident in who I was,

Takes a village: Women who had a lasting impact on Kennedy
There were many women in my life that made me feel very confident. My Grandmother was one of those people. She encouraged me to be strong and stand up tall and to hold my shoulders back. I truly believe that it was from having so much practice with my mom when she was growing up. Also when I was around 13 years old this friend of my mom’s named Kathy always told me that I was model material and one day she gave me a shirt that said America’s Next Top Model, and that’s when I truly knew that my height was a blessing.


Interaction with Tallistas
I definitely acknowledge fellow Tallistas and on some occasions I might ask where they got a certain item of clothing. I feel as though my mother made me very confident in who I am and it’s always nice to see someone just as confident and proud to be tall.

Recommendations from a tall daughter to a mother
I would say that mothers should encourage their daughters to flaunt their tallness and let them know that it’s not a flaw but it’s a blessing. When you walk into a room people will automatically look at you. You set the tone of how they see you. They can either see you as a tall beautiful confident woman or a woman that is ashamed of something that is completely out of her control. It’s the mother’s duty to show them that they are beautiful no matter what size they are. It’s important to show them that they don’t need to be ashamed or guilty that they are who they are.

Message to Mom
Mom I love the way that you made me feel confident when I didn’t feel beautiful. How you are there for me when I am trying things on and I get overwhelmed and frustrated because things don’t fit. I appreciate that when I do try something on and it does fit and you automatically buy it because its long enough. I loved the way that your face lit up when we found my prom dress and I walked out of the dressing room and you were so excited because it was long enough. I appreciate that you tell people off when they say that I should play basketball or that I should take my heels off. I love that you quietly whisper in my ear to point out that there is a tall girl or a tall guy around.


Mommy Affect: Mother’s Perspective (Deneen)

DBKG 4yrs

Height Awareness
I believe it was when she started pre-K. She was taller than the other kids, but I didn’t really think anything of it. It was when she started middle school that I realized she was going to be tall, I just didn’t think would be as beautifully tall as she is now!

“Raising a tall daughter has helped me to better embrace my own height and has made me more confident…also more feisty” – Deneen, 5’10”, Atlanta

Raising a Tallista
It was a realization and an actually “coming to myself” in that my struggles and challenges growing up tall was to prepare me for my daughter. I was able to relate to her struggles and to also do this different with her that I wish I had done myself growing up. Also raising a tall daughter has helped me to better embrace my own height and has made me more confident….. also more feisty!! I wish the tall community that we have been connected to and with through social media was around when I was growing up!

Overcoming Tall Chalenges
There were and still are challenges in raising a Tallista. Of course our main challenge was clothing. When Kennedy was younger it was difficult trying to find clothes for her in her size when she wanted to dress like her peers. Trying to explain to a 12 year old that she couldn’t wear the short skirts that were in style because they were inappropriately too short on her was not easy!!! Clothing is still a challenge as we all know, but it has gotten a lot better. Another challenge was having to deal with comments from adults. I’ve had to put several grown people in their place regarding comments that were made about my daughter’s height. Fortunately, Kennedy is very confident with her height that she would ignore them, but as a mom I had to let them know!!!

Tall Resources
The internet was and is our main source. Different blogs and sites that gave us information on retailers that carry or specialize in tall clothing has been a blessing. Also connecting with fellow Tallista’s via Twitter and Instagram has been incredible.

Advice From One Mother to Another
Be sensitive, caring and understanding. Do all things in love especially when dealing with height. I don’t know what I did, but my daughter has had a confidence and pride in being tall at a young age that I never had even though my mother was always encouraging me to stand tall and confident. I love her so much for all that she did for me because it has now manifested to my own daughter. I now truly understand my mom’s heart and sacrifices for her own tallgirl. Do whatever it takes to make your daughter feel confident and proud to be tall because there is nothing that can change it…height is God given and anything from God is a gift!!

Thank you Deneen and Kennedy for sharing your beautiful life story from the tall lane.


I hope you enjoyed reading Kennedy & Deneen’s story. I would love to hear your stories as well. Leave a comment in the section below and tell us what you think about the post and/or share your ‘Mommy Affect’ story.

TALL Blessings,
J. Enovy

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J. Enovy

J. Enovy, the founder of TALL District, is a senior investment professional, teacher, lifestyle model, and a blogger for the tall community. Join her as she shares valuable information for the tall consumer and those who shop on their behalf.

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