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TALL Tips: How to Snag a Tall Handyman or Woman

May 30, 2018

Ok Ladies and gentlemen. Let’s get this ‘snag a mate’ guide party started.



I decided I wanted to grill on Memorial Day. Have I ever grilled before? Absolutely not. I mean, I’ve prepped food for the grill but I have not started an actual fire to grill before. Oh and for the record I’m talking about a charcoal grill. Lol. Not a gas grill.

I realized I was missing a few things. I did have the grill. I even had charcoal (my friends grilled last 4th of July), but none of the other essentials. So off to TJ Maxx and the hardware store I went.


Now the good stuff.

I walked into Home Depot and immediately smiled. There was so much eye + height candy. Listen y’all. I saw so many tall men strolling down the isles of Home Depot. Babbbbbyyyyyy. This is not the first time either. At that very moment I realized I needed to share this info with my #tall followers. I actually shared a video via Instagram’s stories.


P.S. I’m talking tall men of all ages and a few tall women too.




So now that you know where to find a tall ‘handy’ man/woman here are a few tips on how to get their attention.


1. Get to the store. I’m sure you need some extra lights, new tools, some paint, a new plant, nails (for hanging not your fingernails lol), or household supplies.


2. When should you go? Whenever. However, there are peak times.

a) Mornings (especially Saturdays). Those handymen want to get their projects started early.

b) After work or weekends. You want the ones with jobs. Lol. You know who’s coming from work because they will be dressed accordingly. Same for women. She’ll be in her work clothes. If you’re lucky her tall self may still have on her heels and if you know like I know there is nothing more beautiful then a woman with long legs in heels!


3. Ladies, even if you’re dressed casually make sure you look decent. You know men are visual creatures. I didn’t say go in there looking like a thirst bucket with your butts or boobs out. That’s not the kind of attention you want. Go comfortably. Do what makes you feel like you’re beautiful self. I can be in gym clothes and I will just put on some mascara and slick down these curly edges. Lol. I personally like going after leaving work. Why? I’m in a suit buying things for my home which really surprises people in general. #AttentionGained without even trying.


4. If one catches your eye and you don’t know what to do to get his attention try this. Make eye contact. Smile. Then ask for help. Men like feeling needed. Even if you know the answer ask him anyway. It’s probably best that you know the answer(s) anyway so you can tell wether he knows what the heck he’s talking about or not. Lol

If you’re a guy trying to get a tall girls attention just ask if she needs any help. That should get the conversation started. If she says no, take a look at the items in her cart. Spot something you know about. Spark up a conversation about the ire think the next tall get together should definitely be held at a hardware store. Lol


5. Ask them if they know of any handymen. Tell them you’re looking to get some work done and need some help to get the project done.


So ladies and gentlemen. Do you plan on using any of these tips? Do you have any tips you’d like to add to the list?


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J. Enovy

J. Enovy, the founder of TALL District, is a senior investment professional, teacher, lifestyle model, and a blogger for the tall community. Join her as she shares valuable information for the tall consumer and those who shop on their behalf.

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