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Men in High Heels?

April 23, 2014

My personal facebook timeline feed had an interesting post by a friend. One that showed two men in trousers, suspenders, white collared shirts, and ummmm peep toe booties. You read right. Here’s a picture and a link to the post. See it for yourself.

Men in heels

man in heels performing

Before I share my initial reaction you should know that this article is dated October 2011. Thank goodness this trend did not make it. May it R.I.P. for all eternity and never rise from the dead. Never Ever.

Now onto my thoughts.

I chuckled. Yes I chuckled and thought well at least that means my Tallistas that wear a size 13 – 15 will have more options.

Just no. Not ok. No sir. No ma’am. Not happening. Stop it please. This is just not ok. Call me old fashioned but I believe some things are gender specific and should stay that way.

Here’s a list of gender specific items that don’t cross over well.
1. Actual Heels – Shoes with actual heels for men is not cross over approved. Never. Just know the answer is NO. Unless you’re in drag queen mode don’t do it. Don’t. Even RuPaul knows better than wearing women’s shoes with mens clothing. Ru-Paul I thinks it’s time for a class session on what is and is not ok. Like seriously. Unless your 5’0 tall and you are wearing oxfords or formal Men’s shoes with a hidden platform it’s just not ok. Never. Absolutely not J. Enovy approved.

Note: If you are vertically challenged I understand and want you to know about a company called They make mens shoes with hidden platforms up to 4″ inches. I tell you no lie.

profile_logo_copy tall men shoes photo

Here’s a video that is too funny.

2. Tampons/Sanitary Napkins – you get the drift. Males don’t have menstrual cycles so no need to rock these. Yeah. This is how I feel about mens rocking heels. It is as extreme as using tampons.

3. Bra’s – Even if you are a heavy set male with extra ‘meat’ in that department it’s not ok. Not ok.

4. Thongs – some of you break this rule but it is one that is not to be broken and definitely not on the beach. Harry rear ends are not what’s trending people.

5. False Eye Lashes or Make-Up (unless you’re on the set of a movie) – No sir I shall not catch you in False Eye Lashes or Make-Up or worse Arched Eye Brows. Please make up your mind. Be a girl or stick with being a guy. Your bushy brows are a part of your manliness. Stick with it.

6. Daisy Dukes – No hairy legs or golf balls should ever grace a pair. That is all I’m saying about it. 😉

Ok. I am done clowning around for today but man this post really made me feel some type of way.

Tall Blessings,
J. Enovy

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J. Enovy

J. Enovy, the founder of TALL District, is a senior investment professional, teacher, lifestyle model, and a blogger for the tall community. Join her as she shares valuable information for the tall consumer and those who shop on their behalf.

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