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Happy Mother’s Day

May 8, 2016


Happy Mother’s Day from TALL District.

Your day is every day but today is the day we celebrate you in grand form.

May you receive the love, honor, respect, gratitude and celebration you deserve for being a good mom and/or mother like figure.

If you are a god-mother, an aunt that raises or participates in the parenting of your nieces/nephews, if you are a sibling but play the role of care giver to your other siblings, if you’ve raised children you didn’t give birth to but provided clothing, shelter, love, guidance, education etc.,. this day is for you too because you play a meaningful role.

Happy Mother’s day beautiful mothers of this world.


Special thanks to all of the women and their mothers who participated in TALL District’s Mommy Affect series. Your stories were inspiring, honest and some were even a bit funny. Like the mom who said she knew her daughter was tall at birth because she just kept coming out of the canal. lol. Too funny.


Thank you Tallistas.



TALL Blessings,
J. Enovy

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J. Enovy

J. Enovy, the founder of TALL District, is a senior investment professional, teacher, lifestyle model, and a blogger for the tall community. Join her as she shares valuable information for the tall consumer and those who shop on their behalf.

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