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Flawless and All

December 20, 2013

Beyonce’s CD has sparked great celebration and debate about self-love, the fallacy of perfection, and sexuality.

I am super proud of her for many reasons. For one, she has come into her womanhood, embraced it, and shared it with the world. She is celebrating marriage, motherhood, sexuality and love (the love of her child and her husband is evident in most of the songs on her latest cd). I, myself, love the fact (this is from my observation and my observation only) that her husband makes her feel confident, liberated and sexy. It speaks volumes and shows the power of true love. To love oneself is necessary, to be loved, cherished and valued by someone else, namely your significant other, is one of life’s treasures and the cherry on top. I was recently reminded that a man who wants and loves a woman will seek her, wait for her, and treat her like the precious jewel she is without fear of retribution, without anger or impatience, and without concern for others opinions. So yeah, being with someone who loves you and makes you feel like your best self is…I don’t even have the right words to describe it. The only thing that comes to mind is dreamy and Godly. It must be how God intended us to be loved and to love one another.

Now onto the topic of being #flawless. I think it is important for women to realize that to feel flawless, to be flawless, is to love thyself, to love the skin you’re in flaws and all. Make-up cannot make you beautiful it simply enhances your existing beauty. Truth is, you wake up flawless because you woke up ‘YOU.’ I think that’s what she is getting at in her song. You woke up flawless because you simply woke up your confident self.

Clothes cannot ‘make’ you fabulous either. How you wear clothes, your ‘style’, is what makes the ensemble and in turn makes you your own version of fabulous and flawless. Like Beyonce’s Flaws and All song eludes to despite her being a train wreck in the morning or imperfect “you catch me when I fall, accept me flaws and all and that’s why I love you.” So she is loved despite her flaws as you should love yourself! Now change the you’s in the quote to I’s. Got it? Good. Sometimes we feel like a wreck, sometimes we are mean to ourselves but loving ourselves despite our flaws is the key. It allows for others to love us as well.

P.S. – I shared my thoughts about the concept of flawlessness because I realize the benefits of being imperfect. I am wholly imperfect. My bottom teeth are not straight (getting braces), I have a baby size pudge I should be working on, I love hard and hate harder, I’m impatient, I work too much, I worry too much, and I give far too much of myself to others. Then there’s the fact that I am not the small size 4/6 I use to be. The good thing is that I am better for it. I am better for being flawed. Why? How can I help style or encourage any type of woman if I’ve only been one type. How can I serve as a resource to Tall women of all shapes and sizes if I can’t relate to the emotional pull that comes from being a certain size. My connection, my advice, my guidance, is embedded in my personal experiences and I’m aware that that is a part of who I am. As a result, my fluctuation in weight has taught me to appreciate myself and love myself at any size. The moments when I feel uncomfortable I do something about it but I tell you what. I feel more comfortable in this 10 then I did in that 4/6 because I realize that despite my imperfections, dimples, cellulite, and all I am worthy of my own self love and the love of others. I am perfectly imperfect as are each and every one of you. It also doesn’t hurt that I love my curves. Embrace your curves ladies. lol.


Love thyself and you will be much better at loving others as well.

Tall Blessings,
-J. Enovy

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J. Enovy

J. Enovy, the founder of TALL District, is a senior investment professional, teacher, lifestyle model, and a blogger for the tall community. Join her as she shares valuable information for the tall consumer and those who shop on their behalf.

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