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October 14, 2013

Downsized by Topshop…

A week ago, Tallista Charlotte Evan and I, were in the middle of filming a short documentary about the “Tall Shopping Experience” in Chicago when we walked into Topshop on Michigan Avenue. Topshop is an international British retail store with fashionable clothing, shoes and accessories (make-up too) and one of my go to places for “in-store” Tall shopping.


In the picture below Charlotte and I were on our way to the basement level of the store where the shoes, sale items, personal shopper and my favorite Tall section are located. As we head down I am excitedly sharing the awesomeness of Topshop’s Tall section and mentioning that the dress I’m wearing today (Leopard Bodycon Dress) is one of my favorite purchases from Topshop’s in-store Tall Section. I also mentioned to Charlotte that this is where I bring other Tallista’s in search of something trendy and fashion forward from jeans to dresses.


I make a bee-line for the back right of the floor with Charlotte in tow but as we approach the Tall section area I immediately recognize that the sign no longer says “This is Tall.” My first hopeful thought is that they are redesigning the area. To my shock and major disappointment I am informed by an employee that the Tall section is now located by the sales item and consists of two small racks and a table with accessories. I was just here a few weeks ago. My first thought is why did this happen? Were the sales low, did they market to the Tall demographic properly or did other Tall People have to research online to learn that they actually have a tall section for women before going in store like me, or did it not relate to sales at all but space and store reconfiguration due to some in-store additions. Unfortunately I don’t have an answer. I just know that I’m disappointed and now have to share the news with all of you that while you may still go to the Topshop on Michigan Avenue in Chicago to find in-store Tall items your options will be extremely limited unlike my original experience I posted about on Augusts 31, 2013 on J. Enovy’s Tall District facebook page.

Leaping into Leopard Take II. Topshop #topshoptall #lovedit #purchasedMany thanks to Tonya Sims for playing dress up with me today!

Posted by TALL District on Saturday, August 31, 2013

BEFORE and AFTER (August 2013 / October 2013)
TopShop Downsized jpeg

Hopefully this post and your feedback will encourage Topshop ( to bring back the Tall section to its original glory if not better. When we know where to shop we become loyal customers. Topshop we look forward to hearing from you too!

I hope you found this post helpful. Please share your thoughts and feedback.

Tall Blessings,
J. Enovy

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J. Enovy

J. Enovy, the founder of TALL District, is a senior investment professional, teacher, lifestyle model, and a blogger for the tall community. Join her as she shares valuable information for the tall consumer and those who shop on their behalf.

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