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Tall District

Saturday, 29th March, 2025

TALL District, founded by J. Enovy Gonzalez, is an online fashion and lifestyle resource for tall consumers and those who shop for them.


Enovy of TALL District created a centralized online shopping source for the purpose of making shopping easier for tall men, women, and youth, in addition to those who raise them, marry them, and befriend them. The tall community uses TALL District as a fashion and lifestyle resource, tall news outlet, search engine and forum to discuss TALL matters.


Look to J. Enovy and TALL District contributors for styling tips, fashion trends, information on stores, products, designers, and bloggers that cater to tall consumers, sales, and interviews of people/businesses that live or cater to the “Tall Experience.”

What’s tall?

Women = 5’9” or taller
Men = 6’3” or taller
Youth = children and teens that are taller than their peers

Is TALL District for you?

If your life experience includes having difficulty finding long enough clothing, vehicles where you and your passengers fit comfortably, renting or buying golf clubs, and/or steering clear of low hanging branches and objects than TALL District is for you. TALL District is also for those who shop on behalf of talls like spouses and parents.

Subscribe to TALL District for the latest blog posts on fashion and lifestyle resources, product reviews, fashion trends, designer information, sales, interviews, open forum discussions, and inspirational ‘tall’ stories.

Follow TALL District on the go via social media outlets. We are on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Snap Chat.


5 things to know about the Tallista (or Mr. TALL) brand:

I) When was the term created?
II) What is the purpose of the Tallista brand?
III) What makes a girl a Tallista?
IV) What are the TALL District Brands

Some Answers:

I) Tallista was created in October of 2013 when J. Enovy launched the blog.
II) The purpose of the brand is to empower tall women to be confident and embrace their height; to be unafraid to wear those heels or to stand out in a crowd. The Tallista brand supporter who is not tall wears the brand because of their association with the height experience (raising a tall child, mate of a tall person, etc.)
III) 5’9″ and above, fashion conscious, confident, and a Tall District supporter
IV) Tallista, Mr. TALL, J. Enovy, Shop TALL – pop up shops

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